After Receiving Your Contract
☑ Be sure to thoroughly review the Know Before You Go section for key pre-arrival details and to continue to familiarize yourself with the Disney Look guidelines and our health and safety requirements prior to the start of your contract.
☑ Upload your signed onboarding documents including your contract to DOC. Click to Upload.
☑ Review your travel itinerary and check for travel advisories. Check with your airline and destination's embassy if health info, departure testing, or other documents specific to your nationality are required to board your flight as well as successfully arrive at your final destination without travel interruptions or delays.
☑ Depending on the ship itinerary, location and the season you are sailing, temperatures can vary between warm, tropical climates to colder climates. Make sure to check the local weather prior to traveling to start your contract. A sweater or jacket is recommended for cooler temperatures.
If you have any questions regarding what is required before you travel, please contact us: