Check out: before 5:15 AM, bus departs: 5:30 AM.
☑ Check out before 05:15 AM.
☑ Complete the Health Questionnaire Form. If you select “yes” to any question on this questionnaire, do not leave your room and contact the DCL Medical Team at: +1-407-566-3605.
☑ Breakfast boxes will be available for pickup at the front desk starting at 5:00 AM.
☑ You must stop at the front desk to check out in person. You are responsible for paying any additional charges you signed to your room.
☑ After check-out, proceed to board the bus.
☑ Scheduled departure is 05:30 AM.
Please be sure you have your passport and all safety certificates placed in your hand luggage. This will ensure they are easily accessible as you are required to turn them in upon boarding the vessel.
ALL Crew must dress within Disney Look guidelines.
Please wear your nametag and try to join the same bus as the other New Hires who are also beginning their contracts onboard with you.