- Firearms – any weapon capable of firing a projectile using a propellant such as an explosive charge, compressed air, or expanding gas. Some examples are: shotguns, handguns, rifles, and automatic weapons.
- Ammunition of all types including nonlethal rounds such as rubber bullets, wax bullets, plastic bullets, bean bag rounds, and electric bullets.
- Toy guns and realistic replicas of firearms and explosives devices, simulated or de- commissioned weapons, and any other item made, intended or adapted to be used as a weapon.
- Bows, arrows, spears, wrist rockets, hatchets, brass knuckles or clubs.
- Highly flammable liquids and combustible substances e.g. lighter fluid, liquid fuels and aerosols except for personal care.
- Martial arts equipment used in connection with the practice of a system of self-defense including nanchaku, kamas, tonfas, sais, shuriken, metal fans, juttes, bo sticks and staffs.
- Disabling electrical devices such as tasers or stun guns.
- Disabling chemicals, gasses and self-defense sprays (e.g. pepper spray, tear gas, mace, spray paint, and odor repellent).
- Scissors with a sharp tip exceeding 4 inches.
- Straight razors, daggers and swords.
- Any knife with a blade over 4 inches long.
- Knives, regardless of blade length, that expose the blade by a flip of the wrist, by a mechanical action, or gravity, or locks into place when extended.
- Water pipes (also known as hookahs or bongs)
- Explosives or component parts (e.g., detonators, blasting caps, detonation cord).
- Fireworks or pyrotechnics of any type.
- Tools
- Remote-controlled aircraft, boats or drones